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An abridged history of Imperial, compiled by the unyielding faithful servants of the One True Goddess, Esuna.
Immaculate Conception
Esuna is the Mother, the original Goddess who gave birth to the twin Gods. These twins are Gaea, the creator of our world and Dennac, the creator of mankind and the Lord of Destruction.
Gaea gave birth to the World, as Esuna watched, and then she gave birth to the animals. The forces of nature ruled, all while Dennac watched in boredom. Finally, Dennac made his contribution to the world by creating man. Man went forth and spread about the world. Civilization began to spread. Thus began the "First Cycle of creation".
For a time everything was good: the world thrived, mankind and nature existed in relative harmony and balance, Gaea and Dennac existed in relative tranquility. Then with his carnal proclivities unsatiated, Dennac encouraged mankind to grow. Steadily and with increasing alarm, their numbers swelled. Eventually in-fighting for control of the vital natural resources occurred. Mankind had destroyed what it had built. Having forsaken their development and technologies for baser pleasures they were returned to a primordial state as a direct result..
Esuna watched her children as this process repeated itself, time immemorial. She watched and waited. Quietly contemplating how many times they would allow things too repeat. In the "Ninth Cycle of Creation" the process began early, this time it seemed the war between the villains of the world and those who stood for justice would cause the collapse of civilization sooner than it usually occurred. By this time, Esuna had accepted that Gaea and Dennac had no intention of intervening to stop the cycle of armageddon, as both Gaea and Dennac were locked irrevocably and indefinitely in an eternal death match. So long as her world endured, Gaea took no interest in the affairs of mankind and so long as there were baser instincts to encourage or manipulate Dennac cared less for the world that mankind defiled. Much to Esuna's surprise, however, a man stepped forward and stayed the hand of destruction. This man was named Winchester.
By sheer force of will Winchester forged the Order of Law, protectors of the world and champions of justice. Winchester became legend for his acts of valor and kindness. When he died, he became was canonized. Esuna was delighted to see mankind working to change the previous cycles and she became imbued with a renewed faith in the world her children had created. She began to take an active interest in the world that was stayed the tenth cycle of destruction. She watched as the Order of Law held maintained a semblance of order, yet, feared they lacked the moral consistency to sustain such a course and would be easily corrupted. She witnessed acts of skulduggery, witch hunts, cold-blooded murders and pseudo-trials, all geared towards maintaining the 'order'. Lord British, whom she observed as the marionette, for the Order of Law, was in her objective opinion the prime sinner much like the cloaked men British commanded.
Taloon Figaro retired from his service and left the realm on a deeply spiritual quest trying to find some meaning for his life. When he returned, he was filled with anger. With rage in his heart he turned to the path of Winchester and used it as a conduit to channel his baser instincts to lash out and destroy the servants of Dennac. He endured this state of reckless bloodletting for a period of time, long enough that his lust for death and vengeance abated. She watched as this flock of devotees battled and became disillusioned but there was one in particular whom seethed with hatred towards Dennac, which she took a particular interest in. Esuna sought him out and entered the affairs of mankind, for the first time, ironically enough, through Dennac's former zealot.
Thus Esuna entered Taloon's being and with her effervescent light, purified him. This despicable creation, whom had brought so much pain and suffering to the world was reborn. With the champion of selected, Esuna sought to see Lord British fall, that She might rule the realm more directly via her faithful servants.
Enter Lord Blackthorne. Once a member of Lord British army, he rose through the ranks and glimpsed first hand the ineptitude and corrupted nature of the political machine which existed inside of the totalitarian dictatorship of the British family. Having been ordered to commit atrocities in the name of 'law and order' he vowed too never be used as a tool by deranged and hypocritical royalty again. Thus, Esuna saw to it that Lord Blackthorne, already having doubts, required a nudge in the right direction. She began the process of converting Lord Blackthorne to the one true faith. Zealous and pious, Lord Blackthorne submitted, utterly, to the dogmatic teachings of Esuna and in an act of loyalty raided the heart of the British Kingdom, the City of Britain, with the sole intent of putting an end to the heirs of arrogance. Fighting, having not gone the way Lord Blackthorne expected, he relocated his cohort to the town of Papua, in the Lost Lands, where the very first Church of Imperial was erected in honor of Esuna. Settling into his role as the de facto leader of the Imperial forces he resigned himself to play the long game. The board had been set, only a few moves had been made but he awaited a time when the most opportune chance to strike would present itself which would allow him to sieze the throne and deliver the realm from it's sinful despot and into a new age of enlightenment.
Imperial Genesis
Imperial began as a small secretive community among, what has now become known as, the Lost Lands. The first founding members of the religion are now lost to the sands of time and undoubtedly reside within the halls of Esuna’s palace on the parallel plane, in which She calls home. The first city settled by these pioneers of Imperial was located in the northern-most reaches of the Lost Lands and was known to locals as Papua. Life in the swamp city of Papua was harsh and unforgiving on The People. The faithful were tested on a daily basis and it was during this time that the fledgling community of Papua steadily but cautiously began to expand.
The Order of Imperial received an influx of converts from all three religions at this point in time. These previous apostates were mostly disillusioned souls, whom had fallen out of touch with their patron God and were curious to learn more about Esuna’s teachings. They yearned for a different path beyond blind hatred, and never-ending perpetual states of war without end. During this boom period of indoctrinations the military prowess of Imperial members was put to the test. Already embroiled in a war with the whitecoats and the cultists, Imperial forged a name for itself on the blood-stained bogs around, within and throughout the Lost Lands. On more than one occasion, the forces of Imperial stood shoulder to shoulder with brothers and sisters in arms to defend The People, Esuna’s honor and the pride of the their holy ground from the defiling footsteps of interloping warmongers. The statement was made clearly enough after repeat failed attempts to uproot the small Imperial presence in the Lost Lands. Imperial members grew bold and decided that the time to expand had come. Thus began the love affair between Imperial and expansionist policy. There were many failed attempts at siege warfare experienced over the initial phases of the expansionistic doctrine, none more profound than the defeat at the first siege of Moonglow. The defeat held a long-lasting impression on the religion and drastically altered the mind-set in which Imperialists approached siege warfare thereafter.
Dawn of a Golden Age
The mistakes of the past had been lessons learned well. Imperial forces did eventually take over Moonglow. Membership soared to new heights after the city of Moonglow fell to Imperial forces. The leaders of Imperial were petitioned frequently to assist in protecting their faithful and future interests. Shrewd and charismatic Imperial leaders determined that the best way to garner additional support for a budding Imperial community was; to be seen when summoned, be strong when requested, listen more than pontificate and most importantly, be known yet be quiet. This formula for tête-à-tête diplomacy was introduced by Raven Darkblade and adopted by subsequent leaders. With the ground work laid for a guiding policy, the horns of the Golden Age of Imperial trumpeted loudly. The culture of the Imperium soared to new heights, leading the way in commerce, agriculture development, diplomacy and combat. Dwelling in ease, Imperialists had secured a period of peace, harmony, stability and prosperity with which too attain mastery of these various disciplines which in turn strengthened the both the Order and The People, for trials and tribulations too come.
Imperial Juggernaut
The Golden Age of Imperial resulted in a massive buildup of Imperial forces as a result of the tranquility. Inevitably, expansionism thinking, on a grander militaristic scale, became the evolved and accepted position. Imperial materiel production had been increased and at the time, officers and front-line soldiers of the Imperial Army were some of the best equipped and lethal opponents that could be faced. Opposing religions were completely caught off guard by the suddenness and ferocity of numerous Imperial incursions and raids. Many fled the impending warfare and the faithful of the other beliefs retreated before the onslaught. Many cabals formed in secrecy during this period of time to gather their strength or plot the downfall of Imperial from a lofty perch of succession. Forays into lands under the protection of the Imperium and inhabited by The People, were constant nuisances, yet, ultimately diversionary actions taken in an attempt to distract Imperial. A noteworthy ideological reset occurred at this point in history. Many within the Order questioned the wisdom in continuing the militaristic-expansionist policy. Some believed that the Imperium had played it's hand too soon and while continued success had been achieved, popular support leaned towards reconnecting with the teachings of Esuna for future hegemony.
The Inquisition
The inquisition started as an introspective look at the members ‘claiming’ to be faithful of Esuna. The architect of The Inquisition was one known as, Tyrion. He grew up in the lands of Papua. As a boy, he witnessed numerous atrocities committed by the enemies of Imperial and the noble sacrifices of Imperial clergy to stave off these horrors. A purge of the Imperial order was initiated: members were questioned doggedly on their faith, loyalty and commitment to Esuna. Some were found wanting, some were cast out, others were stoned and executed for being found guilty of being an apostate. After the internal inspection had been completed, Tyrion set his sights on the decadent and filth infested mainland cities of Felucca. Initially, it began as isolated skirmishes. Slowly, Imperial forces bolstered their numbers, which did not go unnoticed by the defenders of Lord British’s realm, the Order of Law. One city after the other began to succumb to the forces imbued with the spirit of Holy War and the Holy Inquisition. The Order of Law had begun to take notice when the cities around the capital of Felucca began to fall and rallied their forces in a last ditch effort to stave off complete capitulation. It was too little, too late as the forces of the Inquisition marched on Britain with every intention of cleansing the souls of those unfaithful to Esuna therein. After months of occupation and martial-law being declared, it became clear that the forces of the Holy Inquisition, while formidable in faith, were ill-equipped to deal with the mounting levels of discontent. Soon after the fall of Britain, the seeds for revolt had been laid, by the hounds of Lord British and the servants of the Lord of Destruction. As a result, an unholy alliance between Tekstone and Law was created to counter the Holy Imperial Inquisition. The forces of the Holy Inquisition had reached the limits of their line of supply. Taking into consideration the bleak outlook of their situation, the leaders razed the city and went home.
Malas Inception
These new lands were discovered by accident. Expeditionary forces of the Inquisition found the Lands of Malas after they had stumbled across a magical user of old magic. These Conjurers were elder arcane users, versed in the magic of the Gods. Little was known of their coven. Reports pointed to these magical users attempting combinations of old magic to get back home. In the experimenting process, they successfully and quite possibly inadvertently opened a portal to another land and to their dismay, not the land they were trying to seek. Regardless, Imperial forces were the first to venture through these portals. Within months, the entirety of Malas was consumed with the brilliant orange aura that accompanied the followers of Esuna. The People were encouraged to relocate to these new lands as it became overtly clear that the fervor to continue the Inquisition has dissipated. It was within the lands of Malas that the first capital of the Order of Imperial was established. Luna was considered the jewel of the Lands of Malas and stood as a beacon of hope for the faithful within the Order and acted as a home and fortress of sanctuary for The People. The Imperium finally had a home.
Tears of Esuna
The Lands of Malas gained the ire of all: fertile farmland, plentiful game, bountiful natural resources, unexplored dungeons galore, abundance of favorable locales for setting up thriving communities and room for all to live in utter nirvana and further riches yet to be discovered. Infiltration had occurred in secret, yet, the enemies of Esuna had at some point snuck into the Lands of Malas and masqueraded as The People. Rumors began to spread regarding an impending doom. They were ignored. Those rumors soon-enough proved to be well founded. The attack occurred swiftly. The town guard was slow to respond as the warriors of Esuna rallied to shore up the defenses. The initial attack was brutal but repelled. When the Council of Imperial convened post-battle, they realized that the threat they now faced was an unholy alliance, formed with the explicit intent of exterminating Imperial. Imperial leadership recalled all forces to marshal the defenses of Luna and hold the jewel of Malas, at all costs. The siege lasted for years and saw the near absolute destruction of the Lands of Malas and the Imperial. The soldiers of the Imperium did not yield easily though and stacked the corpses high. This act of attrition made a critical difference in favor of the defenders and wore on the resolve of their enemies. It was in the streets of Luna that the more remaining and resolute followers of Dennac and Winchester were cut down upon a sally from the battlements. After this final act of defiance, the unholy alliance fractured and their quest to destroy the Imperium was abandoned. Many in the Imperial Council believed that the Dennac's tendrils had been severed when the last of the Cultists were slain. The handful that remained did not continue the fight and in time withdrew from Luna and the Lands of Malas, entirely. Victory had been attained at a toll that could not be fathomed. The lands were a shadow of their previous memory. Beneath the ravaging footprint of the blasphemers the once beautiful holdfasts were now smoldering heaps of rubble and hope was lost for forging a new beginning. Esuna withdrew and entered a state of solitude after the last remnants of enemy forces had been dispatched to the afterlife. Esuna lamented the calamity which had been wrought on Her glorious Order, The People and the Lands of Malas, so much so that it was rumored, Esuna wept for endless days and endless nights in memoriam of Her faithful servants whom sacrificed so much, in Her name. So deep was her solace that repeated attempts to commune were met with silence. The devout that remained began to lose their way. Some took Esuna's disposition as a sign and entered a state of self-imposed exile themselves while others took it on their shoulders to rebuild. Sightings of a woman wandering aimlessly, crying, throughout the spoiled Lands became the stuff of myth. Talk began to hint at the lands being haunted and cursed. None of these reports were ever confirmed unfortunately but some directly attributed them to the events proceeding the withdrawal of enemy forces from the homeland.
The Great Sundering
It started initially as an unnoticed tremor. Sporadically these tremors would be felt in different regions of Malas. When the tremors grew in frequency, the remaining People, inhabiting the wounded Lands of Malas took notice. Rumors abounded. Some said we missed the signs and that corruption spread by the Cultists was so complete that there was nothing which could be done. Many pointed to evidence of vile influence within the forests near the undead city of Cold Creeps. The maelstrom of destruction left in the wake of these natural disasters was unmistakable. Many sought answers from Esuna for guidance. None were forthcoming. One of the remaining Imperial Council members that had entered exile attempted to commune with Esuna. The only reply received was "sojourn". Fear had spread and doomsayers claimed the wrath of Esuna was nigh. It was an unfortunate time for the history of Imperial. Many did not wish to return to the cloth for fear of abandonment. Some believed that regardless of the maladies that befell them in Malas, they were better off than returning to the constant war-torn lands of Felucca. The logic was sound and lines were drawn. Some were willing to make the journey to ensure the survival of an Imperial friendly society in Felucca, others were not.
The Renewed Offensive
They eked out an existence for themselves among the ruins of the old dilapidated college of magi in the north-western portion of the island. The moment of solidarity was short-lived as the Order of Law took notice of Orders and The People’s presence. Imperial needed to move fast and the subversion of the city of Moonglow was initiated. A mini-revolution occurred internally, the administrators were torn between their oaths of loyalty to the fat King, Lord British and what they knew in their hearts to be the right path, the path of Esuna. In the end, however, the city of Moonglow was converted, relatively peacefully in large part to Sauros Darkfall. The timing could not have been more perfect. Sauros was seen as a rallying figure the Imperium had long been without. Hailing from a long line of descendants of servants of Esuna followers of Esuna the stage was primed for the return of the one True Faith and the resurgence of Imperial became evident. It did not take long before the Order of Law declared war upon the Imperialists and The People were thrust yet again, into another conflict for their very existence. The new offensive saw an uptick in recruitment. Many of the older members whom migrated from Malas back to Felucca and chosen exile returned with a fervor not seen since The Inquisition. Preferring to fight for their freedom than bend the knee to the British King, they quickly flocked to the island city of Moonglow, the holiest site in Felucca for faithful of the One True Faith. The victory at Moonglow reinvigorated the Order of Imperials and morale skyrocketed. With the rising morale, leaders of the Imperium the time to strike was now. The invasion of Ocllo was started and was eventually taken over with even less resistance and the Order of Law was left reeling from the loss. The next string of sieges saw the islands of Magincia and Nujel’M beset by Imperial forces bent on assimilating the islands into the fold. Yet again, resistance was inadequate to halt the march of the Imperium. The campaign of the Imperial forces had far reaching consequences in the heart of Britain, the capital of Felucca and the seat of the King.
The Imperial forces, lead by Ondoher launched a daring attack against the city of Britain, the heart of the British Kingdom and not coincidentally, where the Order of Law had relocated headquarters. The Imperiums goal: raze the new temple to the ground. This move was a symbolic effort taken specifically to strike fear into the heart of their Kingdom and trumpet the return of the Imperium's dominance in Felucca once more. Left with little options, the Lawmen, begrudgingly decided too sue for peace thereafter. Knowing that the island cities currently under siege could not be reinforced or saved, the leader of the Order of Law, Orin, surrendered Jhelom in exchange for a peace. A peach which lasted a little over one year.