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Thoran is a player on the server and has several characters in guild The Wayfarers. He is known as an RP player and rarely partakes in PVM or PVP activities.


  • Thoran - (Druid) - Archshaman of the Ravenwing tribe, current guildmaster of [ The Wayfarers ]
  • Shira Azalia Silverwind - (Necromancer) - Necromagus [ The Wayfarers ]
  • Alexander Emmanuel Sern - Grandmaster Tailor [ The Wayfarers ]
  • Laveta - (Warrior) - Barmaid and a dancer of the Lovely Serpent
  • [Deceased] Lucius Ravenwing - Grandmaster carpenter

Frequent RP characters

Thoran keeps one of the five character slots empty so he can create characters for RP purposes. These characters are rarely trained.

  • Morven "Morvenius" Silverwind - (Necromancer) - Father of Shira
  • Ulhar - (Mage/Thief) - A mysterious blue haired wanderer
  • Ko'ga Ravenwing - (Druid/Barbarian) - A well mannered half-orc and a cousin of Thoran
  • Frieda Ravenwing - (Druid) - sister of Thoran
  • Angus Cormac Barnacle - Pirate

Contact info

  • ICQ: 651-729-805
  • Forum: Thoran
