Search results
Create the page "Gods" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
- ...ey were known as She and He, the mother and the father. Together these two gods were blessed with two children, first [[Gaea]], their beautiful brown-eyed ...t of “unity” and “peace”. Instead of trying to unite the three old gods, she started to play them against each other, hoping it would weaken them e8 KB (1,433 words) - 21:19, 15 August 2018
Page text matches
- ...class system has been coded. This was done to avoid poor RolePlay, by demi-gods mastering every fighting skill, as well as magery + their crafting skill. S8 KB (1,214 words) - 23:33, 28 March 2021
- ...ules so you won't get punished with a mark nor jail-time, but the religion gods do not accept robberies and therefore the characters doing that will be pun22 KB (4,005 words) - 17:10, 2 October 2016
- Esuna is the Mother, the original Goddess who gave birth to the twin Gods. These twins are Gaea, the creator of our world and Dennac, the creator of ...magic. These Conjurers were elder arcane users, versed in the magic of the Gods. Little was known of their coven. Reports pointed to these magical users at21 KB (3,505 words) - 21:12, 15 August 2018
- [[Category:Gods]]107 bytes (16 words) - 23:04, 7 August 2018
- [[Category:Gods]] observer into active interventionist with an agenda. The history of the Gods is told from a narrative perspective and more in-depth details may be incon8 KB (1,503 words) - 23:05, 7 August 2018
- ...ey were known as She and He, the mother and the father. Together these two gods were blessed with two children, first [[Gaea]], their beautiful brown-eyed ...t of “unity” and “peace”. Instead of trying to unite the three old gods, she started to play them against each other, hoping it would weaken them e8 KB (1,433 words) - 21:19, 15 August 2018