Here is a list of the rites every religion shares, the words of power, and a short description of its effect. Its missing the religion spesific rites since im lazy
Communion||Contactus Oraculum Accipio Potestas||Freezes you and regenerates your mana
Concentration||Defigo||Increases the piety of the person targeted
Excommunication||Expulsum Fugitivus Fides||Removes target player from the religion
Indoctrination||Prodoceo Inservio Deus||Invites target player into the religion
Palimpsest||Abdo Eruditio||Removes a Rite from a Holy tome
Requiem||Mortuus Amoveo Ara||Resurrects a member of the same religion and transports them back to the temple
Revelation||Doctum Eruditio Conor||Teaches a rite to a member of the religion.
Transformation||Productum Ritus Libri||Creates Holy Tomes and Holy Symbols at your religion's altar.
Abjuration||Emoveo Incompositus||Dispels spells and polymorph, modifies empyrean sigils, blesses focus
Absolution||Pestis Relevo||Removes corruption
Apotheosis||Diabolus Novo||Polymorph into avatar form
Armament||Invalesco Materia||Bless weapons and armor
Banishment||Diluo Quedam||Banish a player or ghost to a random island
Beatification||Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus||Grant a Holy Symbol or Holy Tome its power
Blessed Peace||Divinus Otium||Creates a stone that regenerates health or resurrects
Conflagration||Acervus Flamma Noceo||Area of effect, high damaging rite
Convocation||Congrego Canonus||Summons all members of the same devotion to the caster's location
Corruption||Constupro Constupro Constupro||Corrupt religious items
Create Focus||Pario Missa Animus Vigilo||Creates Focus out of targeted materials
Discorporation||Odio Malum Efflixi||High damage rite, can instakill, poison or damage mana or stamina
Divination||Aperio Pium||Identifyes an item/player/magic prison and give you any holy info about the target
Divine Sanctity||Spiritus Excessum Renovo Phasmatis||Instantly resurrects target with full hp/stamina/mana and all items back in their back pack
Effulgence||Lux Emanio Plebis||Area of effect nightsight
Empyrean Sigils||Genero Eo Calculus||At a moongate location, creates moongate sigils
Encumbrance||Ligo Quaedam Confuto||Temporarily paralyze the target
Enervation||Fortuno Aetas||Buffs all three stats
Freedom||Liberatio Mortuus||Frees a player from a magic prison, destroys undead mobs or frees tamed animals
Immolation||Inflammo Agri Valde||Permanently reduces the caster's strength and does massive AoE damage around the caster
Imprisonment||Carcer Inimicus Cilicis||Imprison a player in a magical stone
Interdiction||Prohibeo Omnis Itum||Creates a stone that prevents any travel magic from working
Intervention||Deus Adservio Fortis||Buffs self, opens a holy gate with a sigil or remove corruption from an altar
Libation||Devoveo Deus Materia||Sacrifices items in a container in return for a bless
Siege||Oppidum Obsidione||Cast upon a town stone will start a siege or end it
Negation||Interdico Veneficus||Creates a zone in which all magics of any sort are blocked
Purification||Quando Corpus Invassus Est||Cures poisons and diseases
Restoration||Reconcilio Corporis Salus||Heals self, target or everyone in an area around you
Resurrection||Renovo Silenti Phasma||Resurrects a player or pet
Retribution||Noceo Vulnero||Does damage to a single target
Sense Aura||Sensus Devotio||Determine's the religious devotion of players around you
Untrodden Paths||Itum Fanum Divinus||Teleports you back to the temple, or to a moongate location with a sigil
See also